Evaluation of inpatient care in Tyrol

The project “Evaluation of inpatient care for the region of Tyrol” serves as a review and further development of the financial environment and the quality standards for inpatient care in Tyrol. The operational project objectives are the three working groups: general economic conditions, care and support framework and future care system assign Tyrol.

Objectives of Working Group 1: general economic conditions

  • Developing estimations for costs of Tyrolean residential and nursing homes based on a catalog of services
  • Determining a cost-recovery tariff for the service catalog of the Tyrolean residential and nursing homes based on a newly developed cost center accounting for the years 2008 and 2009
  • effective, transparent and fair distribution of resources of the cost object

Objectives of Working Group 2: Care and support frame

  • care mandate and performance catalog for the Tyrolean residential and nursing homes
  • Definition and description of a “reasonable care”
  • Development of criteria of qualification for care and maintenance in Tyrolean residential and nursing homes

Objectives of Working Group 3: Future care system Tyrol

Based on an assessment of the current status, problem analysis and evaluation (SWOT analysis), the following points are selected as targets for the working group:

  • Principles for the long-term development and future models of care and care facilities, taking into account the financial feasibility
  • Guidelines for new alternative models for the care and maintenance as well as the focus on special care and nursing services and facilities in relation to a medical supply
  • Networking Strategies for inpatient, day-care and mobile care and nursing care services

At the end of the project period, an outcome document was written, which presented, prioritized and, following the basis points, discribed. the proposals for action. The vast majority of recommendations for action comes directly from the group work. Some aspects have also been introduced by the facilitator.


Land Tirol

Project duration

May 2010 till September 2011