Familiy-friendly working environment – Region Ötztal

Within the scope of the working and business pact the project “family-friendly working environment 2005 – Region Ötztal” took place.

Herein, the regional impact of the establishment of a big spa landscape (Aqua Dome) was examined. Main aim was the networking within the region in order to establish a family-friendly working environment. Therefore measures were implemented regarding the fields of human resource management, child care, accompanying support for restarters, family-friendly working hours models and approaches to a solution concerning the traffic problems.

Hafelekar Consulting was in charge of a baseline study. Within the framework of this study requirements and needs were determined in order to develop accurate offers in the field of further training and child care. The study consisted of four steps:

  1. As a first step there was carried out a secondary research regarding all relevant facts and figures
  2. Written questionnaires formed the second step. Thereby operational data in the predefined business sectors were collected.
  3. In addition to the quantitative data collected, 10 in-depth interviews with experts were conducted.
  4. The results of the written questionnaires – complemented with the results of the expert interviews – were presented to a steering committee.

Within the scope of a future workshop, future scenarios were developed by means of a moderated process.

Project duration

2004 till 2005


Land Tirol