Martin Maier, Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz, Paul Schober (Hrsg.)
Wege ins Berufsleben – Ein Leitfaden für Eltern
My child is choosing a career
Innsbruck, Lodz: Hafelekar Eigenverlag 2008
147 Seiten
Short description:
Parents often feel overwhelmed when it comes to the professional future of their children; Often their help results contraproductive. Changes in the labor market, unemployment and the increasing amount of information about jobs and training opportunities for young people lead to confusion, indecision and lack of information.
The Parents’ Guide “Pathways to employment” describes clearly, how parents can help their children at their school and professional orientation.
Vocational orientation does not begin until the last year of compulsory education, and so there are also indications for the phase before the actual decision-making.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with various aspects of career planning like different development stages of a child and their relationship to the professional orientation process, the importance of biological and psychological factors and external factors. In addition it gives practical tips for career guidance, job search and the application process.
In the second part the authors examine factors that influence the relationship between parents and children, such as motivational structures and levels of relationships between adolescents and their parents. The appendix of the book provides information on institutions for professional advice.
This publication came in English, German, Spanish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Polish and Greek, and published the result of the EU project “Parents as vocational trainers“, which brings together institutions from Poland, Austria, Spain, Lithuania, Romania and Cyprus.