Expertising and Sharing Lifelong Guidance for the Placement
The main project aim is to promote the transfer of a kit of products, enabling people to enter the labour market through job orientation placement. The focus lies on the development of graduates’ transferable skills, and provides them with procedures for quality work experience, adapted to improve their own existing competence sets.
Together with EU-partners the transfer of the tools should be brought together in order to promote an integrated system of good practices, non-formal and informal learning as well as lifelong guidance (LLG) – support regarding employability.
- Report on lifelong learning
- Indicators concerning the labour market, especially the link between university and work life
- Validation study of informal and non formal learning work package in European countries
Project duration
October 2008 till September 2010
Project Partners
- Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
- Università degli Studi di Parma – Parma (Italy)
- CERES, Centro di Ricerca Economica e Sociale – Rom (Italy)
- Università degli Studi di Catania – Cataniea (Italy)
- Università di Bologna – Bologna (Italy)
- St. Cyril und St. Methodius Universität Veliko Turnovo – Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria)
- Tellus Group Limited – Plymouth (United Kingdom)
- Badegruber & Partner GmbH (B&P) – Linz (Austria)
- Uniwersytet Jagiellonsky Kraków – Krakau (Poland)
- Slovakischer akademischer Verband für internationale Kooperation – Bratislava (Slovakia)
- ASAEL, Aragonische Verbindung der Kommunalbehörden – Zaragoza (Spain)
- ONECO, Gemeinnützige Bildungsorganisation – Sevilla (Spain)
- Technische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Universität Budapest – Budapest (Hungary)