e-DMT – e-Direct-Marketing-Tool

The companies web-crossing and deepblue have succeeded in developping an innovative direct- and interactive marketing tool that meets all requirements of modern, electronic marketing. Defined objectives of the implementation phase were the programming, piloting and evaluation of the e-direct marketing tool (e-DMT) based on the contract specifications formulated in the concept phase.

This tool is an important process innovation in marketing because it was possible to combine existing technologies in a new product for effective e-marketing, a state-of-the-art communication and marketing tool. The overarching goal of being able to implement, by the use of new technologies, the tools of traditional marketing such as market segmentation and target group analysis in e-marketing, has been achieved.
The user is put by the e-DMT tool in a position to deal very effectively and precisely with target groups. Through feedback from the system via click behavior, e-mail open rates, etc. the profile of each person contacted becomes more sharply – the system is learning, so to say. Thus, the information that is sent to the target groups, becomes more accurate and more interesting and increases the acceptance. Major focus will be put not on mass or the most frequent contact as possible but on targeted and – for the respective target group – useful transmission of information. Through the creation of acceptance in the formed target group new functions and options will open up: dialogue marketing, customer loyalty programs, etc.
The following functions could be successfully integrated in the – to be developed – e-DMT tool:
- SMS and MMS functionality
- Dialog functionality
- Segmentation and profile function
- Template Generator
- Synch function
- import filters
- Report Generator
Web-Crossing Ltd.
Deep Blue Europe Ltd.
Project duration
06.30.2010 to 30.11.2011
HAKOM Dienstleistungsges.m.b.H computer.