electronic entrepreneur portfolios
The general aim of e2-p is to widen access to existing web-based entrepreneurship learning through the use of ICT and to contribute to entrepreneurial (further) education & training.
The projects tool for creating ePortfolios (ProfilPASS) aims at assessing, keeping record and finally presenting someones individual abilities and skills. Users are being encouraged to reflect on their entrepreneurial skills they have acquired in different contexts, as well as to support the creation for their own educational biography.
The additional knowledge portal guides entrepreneurs by a process and topic based approach. Broad information is being made available and structured into the four entrepreneurial stages in order to provide the information required depending on the each users status within (1) business idea, (2) preparation/business plan, (3) foundation, (4) first steps as enterpriser. During each phase entrepreneurs are obliged to deal with different issues like market analysis, decide on a legal status, apply for a credit, etc. For each phase the relevant issues are discussed in the questions&answers. Additional to the process all information can be accessed by topics like finances, law, market, etc. The platform connects information within one environment that entrepreneurs usually need to collect from different sources. Finally the website operates as gate into the ePortfolio.
The combination of both solutions aims to support young people, especially graduates of vocational based education in the process of starting an own business in the tertiary sector successfully.
Project results
- ePortfolios to support the preparation phase
- Organization and implementation of trainings for mastercoaches for the use of ePortfolios.
- Website for entrepreneurs
- National reports
Project duration
October 2010 till September 2012
Project Partners
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Österreich) – Koordination
InterZone – Köln (Deutschland)
Helliwood media & education im fjs. e.V., – Berlin (Deutschland)
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación – Albacete (Spanien)
Ballymum Job Centre – Dublin (Irland)
StudioCentroVeneto – Vicenza (Italien)
Academy of Management – Łódź (Polen)