Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook
This project centers on learning history and geography in a multicultural perspective. This is achieved through the development and sharing of a set of tools that includes a HandBook, Digital Modules and a Teacher Training Course. They will offer a structured path through European Contemporary History and Geography where the countries concerned will be those of the Project partners.
- Further develope of a common European identity by having schools participate in the culture of other countries using their languages and their collective symbolic imagery
- Contribute to the creation of a new generation of school handbooks and ICT-based contents that can support teachers involved in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) experiences, or who are simply interested in them
- Implementation of digital educational contents in schools
- A HandBook and Digital Materials, which deal with a choice of historical and geographical topics, selected among those that have had an important impact in the national imagery in the last two centuries. The final version of HandBook and Digital Modules will be available in all the languages of the partner countries.
- A Teacher Training Course addressed to both future and in-service teachers. The training develops the topics dealt by the HandBook and explains its methodology and issues.
Projekt duration
October 2009 till November 2011
Homepage: www.mihproject.eu
Project Partners
- Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)
- Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol (Austria)
- Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
- Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres – Créteil (France)
- Universität Augsburg (Germany)
- Universität Siegen (Germany)
- Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia (Italy)
- Academy of Management (Poland)