Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama
ARTPAD (Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama) is a three year Erasmus+, partnership (5 countries) lead by Playwork Partnerships and by the Drama team at the University of Gloucestershire.
ARTPAD aims to support the engagement and resilience of participants from disadvantaged backgrounds in formal and non–formal education to help prevent early school leaving. The 5 project partners will work co-operatively to disseminate, develop and extend the expertise and international reach of their practice. ARTPAD covers three complimentary aspects:
- Understanding resilience and children’s development and behaviour through Play.
- Drama techniques for engagement with learning
- Drama and Play to build social understanding and behaviour
Project duration:
September 2015 till August 2018
Homepage: www.artpadproject.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ARTPADProjectEu/
Twitter: twitter.com/ARTPADproject
Project Partners
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria)
University of Gloucestershire (England)
Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education (Hungary)
University of Gdansk (Poland)
UWEZO (Germany)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.