Partial Certification Information Security

The IT sector is characterized by short innovation and product cycles among developers and manufacturers. Due to constantly changing requirements in the IT sector, learning and recognition of informal skills is a decisive factor. The lack of certification opportunities leads to a lack of experts* in the field of information security. This is why the “Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum für Fragen der mittelständischen Wirtschaft e. V.” (Business Management Research Centre for Questions of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses) was initiated. (BF/M Bayreuth) initiated this European joint project.

The Europe-wide uniform assessment and recognition of informally acquired skills has enormous potential for combating the shortage of skilled workers in the field of information security. Newly developed job profiles reflect the current needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on this, a learning curriculum is being developed and previously acquired knowledge is recognised and validated.

Project duration

September 2018 to August 2021


Homepage: www.tebeisi.eu
Facebook: www.facebook/tebeisi

Project Partners

BFM – Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum Mittelstand (Germany)
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria)
SCV – Studio Centro Veneto (Italy)
WSBINOZ (Poland)

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Certified Information Security Officer in SMEs!

Fast development of IT makes Information Security Issue a growing challenge for Small and Mediums companies (SMEs). more and more important in the world. Big companies have enough resources to invest in Information Security, while SMEs don not have much support in this area.

That’s why creating state of the art IS blended learning training course is important to meet the demand for such knowledge tailored to the needs of SMEs. For quality assurancethe training curriculum and blended learning tools will be certified with VCC. The course is a combination of face-to-face workshops and online.learning to provide utmost flexibility for the participants.


  • Development of the e-learning platform, tools and online assessment for tutors
  • Transfer Vocational Certification System certifying competences of both trainers and trainees.
  • Pilot trainings in Poland, Greece and Bulgaria
  • Lomg-term improvement of competitiveness of companies through Know How in Information Security

Project duration

October 2013 till September 2015


Homepage: cisoinsmes.syntea.pl

Project partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria)
Syntea S.A. – Lublin (Poland)
CONFORM Consulenza Formazione e Management S.c.a.r.l. – Avellino (Italy)
IDEC S.A. – Piraeus (Greece)
Association Generations – Sofia (Bulgaria)

logo eu lifeliong learning programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Information Security Modular Training for SME

The general aim of this project is to provide owners of SMEs/MEs and their staff with understandable and efficient information and a modular training on Information Security (IS) in order to meet their obligations under the terms of the legislation and to ensure their compliance. The cross-border development of IS activities is important, as several rights and approaches in the EU vary considerably in terms of privacy, data-security, consumer rights and liabilities.

Therefore we offer:

  1. a multi-national information and training portal, aiming to facilitate an enriched and speeded-up learning process by sharing, structuring and modelling a huge critical mass of informal expertise and tacit knowledge, e.g. to develop the understanding of legislation concerning data protection throughout the EU with focus on the 6 partner countries and our defined target groups.
  2. a tailored blended learning program in the field of IS for SMEs/MEs and their employees, address the demand-supply mismatch identified, clarify their specific needs and to encourage them to adopt better and more advanced security services. The concrete outcome will be a modular training of about 40 training units: we plan 16 classroom units & 24 e-learning/self-study units in order to provide the target group with a flexible but efficient way of learning, which is not too time consuming.

Project duration

October 2011 till September 2013


Homepage: www.insemot.eu (not active, copy from Internet Archive web.archive.org)

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Innsbruck (Austria) – Coordination
VIA ALTA a.s – Trebitsch (Czech Republic)
Handwerkskammer Münster – Münster (Germany)
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación – Albacete (Spain)
Innovacion Desarrollo Y Nuevas Tecnologias S.l – Albacete (Spain)
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Enterprise Board – Dublin (Ireland)
CONFORM-Consorzio Formazione Manageriale – Avellino (Italy)