Vol-Pecil Project

Volunteers in Preventing Elderly and Chronical Illness Loneliness

The VOL-PECIL project (VOLunteers in Preventing Elderly and Chronic Illness Loneliness) aims to empower volunteers and staff members in their efforts to alleviate loneliness among elderly and chronically ill individuals. By providing specialized training, resources, and digital tools, the project seeks to enhance the quality of care and support offered to these vulnerable groups.


  • Specialized Training Program: Development of a 16-hour blended learning curriculum tailored for volunteers.
  • Digital Educational Resources: Creation and deployment of user-friendly digital tools to support volunteers.
  • Pilot Training Sessions: Conduct pilot sessions to refine training materials based on feedback.
  • Enhanced Communication and Support: Address communication challenges and provide comprehensive self-help guides.
  • Sustainable Implementation: Ensure long-term availability and accessibility of training materials and resources.


  • Start Date: February 1, 2024
  • End Date: January 31, 2025


coming soon

Project Partners:

Volontariato in Rete – Federazione Provinciale di Vicenza OdV (Italy)

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH (Austria)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Education in Mental Health for Nurses in Home and Residential Care

EDU-MENT enhances the ability of nursing professionals to early detect and manage mental health issues through a specialized, blended-learning certificate course (5 ECTS credits).

Project Outcomes

  • Analysis of Caregiver Requirements and Needs: Comprehensive analysis of the requirements and needs of nursing professionals for early identification, monitoring, and management of clients with mental health issues.
  • Development and Evaluation of Screening Tools: Development, testing, digitalization, and evaluation of screening tools to identify mental health issues.
  • Development of Competency-Based Training: Creation of a blended-learning training program in mental health specifically designed for nurses in home care and residential facilities.
  • Organizational Development Concept: Development of a concept for the sustainable implementation of digital screening tools in nursing facilities.

Project Duration

October 2023 to September 2026

Project Partners

  • UMIT TIROL (Austria) – Website
  • UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS (Cyprus) – Website
  • AGECARE (CYPRUS) LTD (Cyprus) – Website
  • UNIVERZA V MARIBORU (Slovenia) – Website

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Empowerment for Pandemias

Learning from CoVid19

The project “Empowerment for Pandemias – Learning form CoVid19” started on April 1, 2022. The three years project is funded by the EU program Erasmus+. UMIT TIROL, Austria, is the project coordinator.

The project focuses on the development of a professional education and training program for professionals and decision makers working in Public Health. The aim is to strengthen the individual and organizational resilience in times of crisis. The collected experiences and knowledge around CoVid19 will be incorporated into the training program. It is being implemented jointly with the University of Gloucestershire, the Technical University of Deggendorf, the European Academy of Bolzano, Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH and the Portuguese partner Immersive Lab Lda.

Based on empirical research around Covid19, the project team will define the required competencies that significantly strengthen individual and organizational resilience, and subsequently operationalize them into innovative learning experiences.

A mix of different learning environments is used for this purpose:

  • With the establishment of an assessment tool, individual and organizational resources can be evaluated.
  • Furthermore, the partners are developing a web-based training, in which micro-learning units enable self-determined learning.
  • These will be supplemented with online seminars and face-to-face units.
  • One focus is the development of simulated crisis case studies, based on real experiences, that will support the participants to learn a more efficient handling of complex problem solving and coping strategies.

Project duration

April 2022 to November 2024


Website: Empower4pandemias

LinkedIn – Empower4pandemias


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Effective Job Orientation for Youth

The EJO4Youth projects aims to improve job orientation for young people in Europe by providing youth workers and professionals with training and methodologies based on the Symbolwork approach. Thus, the project fosters the competences of youth workers to apply effective, motivating and impactful job orientation with interactive and engaging methods and practices. 

The project’s primary objective is to help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds improve their vocational and professional skills by using a career counselling methodology based on Symbol Work. Various interventions will be implemented in order to assist young people in “designing” a roadmap for their career and educational paths. Moreover, young people will receive assistance that is relevant not only to the labour market, but also to increasing social inclusion and active citizenship, as well as reducing discrimination and obstacles in their lives.

Our main results are:

  • Blended Learning Approach and Accreditation: These guidelines will provide more information on the requirements and competences necessary for the implementation of the Symbol Work approach as well as on differences between participating countries.
  • Face-to-face Training Curriculum and Toolset: This curriculum includes more information on how to implement the Symbol Work approach and job orientation. The training is focused on improving the skills and competences of youth workers in Europe.
  • Distance Learning Course: Transferring the curriculum into an online format, allowing for professionals without direct access to the face-to-face training to improve their skills and competences online in an easy and user-friendly way.

Project duration

May 2022 till April 2024


Website: www.ejo4youth.eu

Project Partners

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Turkish National Agency. Neither the European Union nor Turkish National Agency can be held responsible for them.


overcoming loneliness

“Loneliness in old age” is a well-known social phenomenon that still receives too little attention. However, the current pandemic clearly shows us that we need to pay more attention to the issue. Older people are increasingly isolated in this situation:Those in care facilities are secluded for their own protection, others have little contact with friends and family or live entirely on their own. People caring for older people are often overwhelmed by the many safety precautions and challenges in their own daily lives. This is also true for family caregivers.

Since October 2020, the international Digi-Ageing consortium has been working on a comprehensive concept that addresses these challenges and develops appropriate measures to counteract the phenomenon of “loneliness in old age”. One of the main goals is to increase competences in the use of digital tools in the elderly care sector and to create a strong network that develops joint solutions.

What we develop

  • Research reports on the topic of loneliness in old age
  • Creation of a network that specifically counteracts this phenomenon
  • Digital diagnostic tool to be able to recognise “loneliness in old age” in good time
  • Digital intervention tools for education providers in the field of elderly care, for caregivers, for caring family members and for interested older people themselves
  • Curriculum for the Digi-Ageing Training Programme for the Care Sector

How we reach caregivers

Within the framework of the Digi-Ageing project, so-called “pilot trainers” are trained to subsequently conduct training sessions with other interested persons from the field of elderly care. These professionals will then implement the Digi-Ageing method in their own institutions and recruit other interested people.

Project duration

October 2020 to July 2023


Facebook: www.facebook.com/digiageing
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/digi-ageing

Project Partner

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

KITE Fighters

Kids and Teachers Fighting for Inclusion

The aim of the project is to assist pedagogues working with young people, with a focus on diversities, to strengthen social inclusion, and promote peer-to-peer communication and team building.

Innovative methods and tools for teachers and students will be developed to prevent bullying situations and the escalation of conflicts at school:

  1. Equip teachers with tools to enhance their capability to support students, promoting their mental health and emotional intelligence development.
  2. Enable teachers to use creative and innovative methodologies as symbol work, storytelling, folk tales and other non-formal education approaches.
  3. Support schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage and to offer quality education, enabling success for all students.
  4. The main overall objective is to strengthen social inclusion skills of kids and teachers.

Aims & Objectives

  • Development of the “KITE-FIGHTER TOOLKIT”: a collection of different tools, games and exercises, which teachers can use. It will include storytelling, symbol work and folk tales exercises
  • Elaboration of a CURRICULUM and TRAINER’S GUIDE for a teacher training, to empower teachers to use the Kite-fighter toolkit techniques, and develop new professional and socio-emotional skills
  • Organization of MULTIPLIER EVENTS and ACTIVITIES as well as delivering a set of MINI-TRAINING EVENTS to empower local teachers and youth workers to use the KITE-fighter toolkit.

Project duration

September 2019 till April 2022


Homepage: www.kitefighters.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/KITEfightersproject

Project Partners

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

SymfoS – YC

SymfoS for Youthcare

“SymfoS for Youth Care” develops an innovative counseling method based on the approach of symbol work. Its implementation in the youth care system would significantly improve the integration chances of disadvantaged young people (NEETS) in Europe. Due to a lack of integration in many areas of life, they are increasingly excluded from participation in society.

With the methodical approach of symbol work (developed by Wilfried Schneider) as an innovative counselling tool, the project aims to enable young people in youth welfare to effectively support disadvantaged young people. Innovative features are on the one hand the transfer of the previous method from vocational guidance to the youth welfare system in each partner country and on the other hand the extension of the SymfoS educational approach with web courses for initial training (Higher Education) at universities (Social Care).

In youth welfare, working with symbols offers young people an additional, universal language. In short, symbolic work means getting a person to reach out to themselves. Symbols are helpful in situations that are difficult or impossible to describe with other means of communication.

Project duration

September 2018 to August 2021


Homepage: www.symfos-youth.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SymfoS
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/groups/8704665

Project Partners

Sozialwerk Düren (Deutschland)
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Österreich)
Asociacion Caminos (Spanien)
Colegio Oficial de Ciencias Politicas y Sociologia (Spanien)
University of Gloucestershire (England)
Instituto Politecnico Do Porto (Portugal)
Associacao A3S (Portugal)

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama

ARTPAD (Achieving Resilience Through Play and Drama) is a three year Erasmus+, partnership (5 countries) lead by Playwork Partnerships and by the Drama team at the University of Gloucestershire.

ARTPAD aims to support the engagement and resilience of participants from disadvantaged backgrounds in formal and non–formal education to help prevent early school leaving. The 5 project partners will work co-operatively to disseminate, develop and extend the expertise and international reach of their practice. ARTPAD covers three complimentary aspects:

  1. Understanding resilience and children’s development and behaviour through Play.
  2. Drama techniques for engagement with learning
  3. Drama and Play to build social understanding and behaviour

Project duration:

September 2015 till August 2018


Homepage: www.artpadproject.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ARTPADProjectEu/
Twitter: twitter.com/ARTPADproject

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung (Austria)
University of Gloucestershire (England)
Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education (Hungary)
University of Gdansk (Poland)
UWEZO (Germany)

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



Diagnosis and actions for young people looking for a better future

This project aims to help disadvantaged young people by elucidating and interpreting the recent recommendation of the EU Parliament and Council which stresses the 8 key competencies for lifelong learning.

The direct target of the project is the group of professionals working with these young people such as: Practitioners in School, University and/or Labour guidance; Career Guidance Practitioners, Agencies and of the Employment Centers; trainers and teacher of the VET sector.
The indirect targetgroup are the young people with disadvantage condition (particularly the NEETs and the new arriving refugees, migrants or asylum seekers entering or looking for a VET opportunity), then all the organisations involved in the specific topic (VET schools and institutes; Public Administrations dealing directly with the young and with education, labour and reception policies; trade unions; enterprises, etc.)

The concrete aim of the project is to build with and to offer to the direct target a useful tool kit to help the young people with disadvantage condition aging from 18 to 29 years with specific training, education, on-the-job activities in order to facilitate their entrance in the more appropriate VET channel to strengthen their competencies and/or in the labour market.

Throughout the project’s lifecycle, a comparison of the existing best practices on the topic of key competencies development will be promoted and a specific MOOC platform (Massive Online Open Courses) will be planned, tested and launched to support competencies assessment and their development to enhance training and/or employment opportunities for the disadvantaged young. An original diagnosis tool kit based on innovative frameworks, including gamification and survey will allow the Practitioners and teachers to map the soft and professional skills of the young people and to assess their level.

At this stage the Practitioners and teachers will help young people to write their first EU curriculum, then, using the modules on the platform (also multimedia), they will help them to decide how to overcome the existing gaps selecting the right training or apprenticeship opportunity/ies. At the end the Practitioners and teachers will be able to assess again the skills and competences and, accordingly, to rewrite the CV. On the platform an innovative section will be targeted to match enterprises and workers, so the Practitioners will be able, with the young people, to point out the more promising working opportunities for the future professional inclusion.

Project duration

September 2016 till Oktober 2018


Homepage: www.day-plot.eu

Project Partners

Antares – Rom (Italy) – Coordination
Eulab Consulting – Rom (Italy)
GEMS Northern Ireland – Belfast (North Ireland, UK)
Work Research Institute (AFI) – Oslo (Norway)
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – St. Pölten (Austria)
Centre Recursos d’Iniciatives i Autoocupació, sl (C.R.I.A.) – Madrid (Spain)

Erasmus Logo

Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung trägt allein die VerfasserIn; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.


Volunteers in Playwork

The aim of Viper is to transfer a volunteer training course to improve the quality and reach of vocational education and training for adults thinking about working with children. Through collaboration the Consortium will incorporate EU best practice to support children’s play across Europe and transfer this training programme and volunteering model to become an EU recognised training course. The envisaged impact is the unique provision of an accredited EU training resource which will result in a more competent, knowledgeable, better trained, and coordinated volunteer play workforce across Europe, and increased levels of active citizenship and volunteering.

The project had three main aims:

  1. To adapt, develop and blend a play training course for volunteers which aims to support learners in gaining skills to improve their chances of employment through the acquisition of social and civic competences.
  2. To support training providers and organizations with the resources and training to deliver ‘Volunteers in Play – a route to employment’ course. The course will provide interactive educational resources. The course content will be available in the respective languages of all involved countries.
  3. To support learners to access volunteering opportunities within the childcare and out of school childcare sector, further to undertaking the ‘Volunteer in Play’ course.

Project duration

October 2013 till September 2015


Hompage: www.viperproject.eu (not active, copy from Internet Archive web.archive.org)

Project Partners

Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung – Austria
University of Gloucestershire – England
Tokium Networks – Portugal
CESIE (Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo) – Italy
Roger SzemélyközpontúOktatásértAlapítvány – Hungary
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Physical Culture – Czech Republic
Dumlupinar University Kutahya Vocational High School of Social Science – Turkey

logo eu lifeliong learning programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.